Loan Calculator in Egypt

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Agricultural Bank of Egypt

Agricultural Bank of Egypt

Agricultural Bank of Egypt is an Egyptian bank that was established in 1931 under the name of the Egyptian Agricultural Credit Bank. It is a bank-affiliated with the Central Bank and is fully owned by the state. The purpose of its establishment was to finance farmers and give them the loans they need to protect them from falling victim to foreign interest-based banks. In 2016, it was transformed into a public sector bank and its name was changed to become the Egyptian Agricultural Bank, with its headquarters in Greater Cairo, and the Egyptian Company for Agricultural and Rural Development.

Most Asked Questions about Agricultural Bank of Egypt Calculator

  • What types of services does the Agricultural Bank of Egypt provide?

    Agricultural Bank of Egypt provides services for new cars, used cars, building houses, home improvements, land purchases, and personal and ready apartments.
  • Can I know my monthly payments using the calculator?

    You can use the Agricultural Bank of Egypt calculator to calculate your monthly payments.
  • Is using the calculator free?

    Yes, you can use the calculator for free.
  • Does your use of the calculator mean you provide the service?

    No, using the calculator does not mean submitting a request to benefit from the service.