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اراجة كابلات ضغط عالي - مكبس هيدروليك-صناعةانجليزي +8 لقمة كبس 4 ازواج
Product overview
Elpress T2600B Crimping Tool is a tested and certified mechanical hand-held tool for crimping Cu Terminals KR/KS 10mm2, KRF/KSF 16-120mm2, KRD/ KSD 16-120mm2, KRT/ KST 10-120mm2, Al Terminals 16-25mm2 (-35 solid), C-sleeves 6/6-50/50 mm2, DIN 46235 10-95mm2.
EAN code: 7393487000056
Rapid opening enables easy die change and quick removal after jointing
Crimp die (TB7) is available for solid 10mm2