
Customer Care Representative -Suez

Customer Care Representative
Customer Care Representative -Suez
Mahmoud Fahd MahmoudSuez

Customer Care Representative -Suez

Job Info

Customer Care Representative
1500 USD

Job Requirements

Arabic, English
AdaptabilityCreativeProblem-solvingTraining & DevelopmentWillingness to learnMS ExcelComputer skillsMulti-taskingMS WordCommunicationNegotiationMS PowerpointTeamworkTelephone conversationsEmail usage knowledgeInterpersonalFinding & Attracting ClientsFast LearnerConducting presentations

اسمي محمود فهد محمود ابلُغ من العمر 28 عاماً

تخرجت من جامعة السويس كلية التجارة قسم المحاسبة المالية .

اجيد التحدث بالانجليزية و العربية و العمل على Excel , sap , e-commerce البرامج الآتيه

أمتلك خبرة خمس سنوا فيما يخص ال sales و

digital marketing JI

Ask Job Owner
AD No: 250214621

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General Tips

  • Do not share confidential or personal data
  • Be careful and make sure that the employer is reliable
  • Don't pay money to hire or train you
Mahmoud Fahd Mahmoud
Mahmoud Fahd Mahmoud
Member Since27-08-2024
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