
Data Entry Clerk -Gharbia

Data Entry Clerk
Data Entry Clerk -Gharbia
member166079437380Mahalla al-Kobra, Gharbia
Mahalla al-Kobra, Gharbia

Data Entry Clerk -Gharbia

Job Info

Data Entry Clerk
5000 EGP

Job Requirements

Arabic, English
Computer skillsCommunicationFast LearnerWillingness to learnTelephone conversationsMS Excel

ملتزم فى بيئة العمل

بتعلم بسرعه وبنفذ المهام اللى مطلوبه

بلتزم بالمواعيد

بطور نفسى ف مجال الشغل اللى بشتغله

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AD No: 195692217

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General Tips

  • Do not share confidential or personal data
  • Be careful and make sure that the employer is reliable
  • Don't pay money to hire or train you
Mahalla al-Kobra, Gharbia
Member Since18-08-2022

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