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خيمة التخييم والسفارى وكمان للرحلات والصيد
Tents & Furniture , New
Cairo, Nasr City
850 EGP

Studio Chalet for Rent in Suez Ain Sokhna
Studio , One Bathroom , Furnished , Daily , Surface Area: 1000 m2, Land Area: 1000 m2, 1 - 5 years
Suez, Ain Sokhna
950 EGP

Furnished Monthly in Cairo Nasr City
Furnished , Monthly
Cairo, Nasr City
2,000 EGP

مطلوب ممول او مستثمر في مصر لشركه محامص ومطاحن بن الضيافه بالكويت والاردن منذ 1982
Cairo, New October
1,000 EGP

Furnished Monthly in Giza 6th of October
Furnished , Monthly
Giza, 6th of October
2,500 EGP

Furnished Monthly in Giza Mohandessin
Furnished , Monthly
Giza, Mohandessin
35,000 EGP

200 m2 3 Bedrooms Apartments for Rent in Cairo Mokattam
3 Bedrooms , 3 Bathrooms , Unfurnished , Yearly , Surface Area: 200 m2, Second Floor , 6 - 9 years
Cairo, Mokattam
50,000 EGP

80 m2 2 Bedrooms Apartments for Rent in Suez Ain Sokhna
2 Bedrooms , 2 Bathrooms , Furnished , Daily , Surface Area: 80 m2, Sixth floor , 6 - 9 years
Suez, Ain Sokhna
2,500 EGP

بوكس التفتيح الجبار
Others , Other , New
Cairo, Fifth Settlement
375 EGP
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