Lift Activ Vitamin C Serum Brightening Skin Corrector 20 ML Limited time offer 15 % discount

خدمة التوصيل06-02-2025
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Vichy’s ultimate antidote to tired skins with 15% pure Vitamin C! The formula contains a powerful selection of active ingredients such as pure Vitamin C + E, Maritime Pine polyphenols, and fragmented Hyaluronic to deliver clinically proven results in just 10 days.

Fights signs of aging & fatigue Tonifies skin Boosts radiance


Improved firmness: +8%Rested look: +9%

Clinically proven efficacy after 10 days*:

Fine lines: -6,5%Tone radiance: +21%

*clinical scoring and auto-scoring of

إعلان رقم: 258708203

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