YASHICA Yashica ME 1 38mm ياشيكا فيلم تحفه قيمه ياباني

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Lens: Yashica 38mm f2.8; 4 element, 3 group. 46mm filter thread.

Focusing: Zone focus (1, 1.5, 3m and infinity) and feet/metres scales on other side

Metering: CdS cell

Shutter: Copal auto, speed set by metering, 1/60-1/360 sec.

Flash: hot shoe

Film speed: 25-500 ASA in steps

Power: Manual indicates the now defunct PX675 1.35v mercury button cell (Modern solutions exist). No off switch is on camera so a lens cap is recommend to limit battery discharge

إعلان رقم: 257674537

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