Braun Face Spa 810 - New جهاز براون فيس سبا 810 - جديد

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Braun Face Spa 810 - New جهاز براون فيس سبا 810 - جديد


Key Features:

- Precision Epilation:

- Slim epilator head for easy handling and control.

- 10 micro-openings capture even the finest hairs (0.02 mm).

- Removes hair from the root for up to 4 weeks of smooth skin.

- Ideal for chin, upper lip, forehead, and eyebrow maintenance.

- Sonic Facial Cleansing:

- Refines and exfoliates with hundreds of micro-oscillations.

- Cleanses 6 times better than manual cleansing.

إعلان رقم: 255942165

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صاحب الإعلان

 Marcelino Shahhat

Marcelino Shahhat

( 0 )
عضو منذ 30-10-2024
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